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All Submissions
Problem: 10127 - Square in Grid
User: Abdul Ahad Khan
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 225 - Find Distance
User: Promy
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 225 - Find Distance
User: Promy
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10128 - Encryption
User: Rakibul Hasan
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10128 - Encryption
User: Rakibul Hasan
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10060 - Respect The Women
User: Amimul Ehsan
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10129 - Password
User: Amimul Ehsan
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10128 - Encryption
User: Amimul Ehsan
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10127 - Square in Grid
User: Amimul Ehsan
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10073 - Convert The Code
User: Amimul Ehsan
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10054 - Intersection Point
User: Amimul Ehsan
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10128 - Encryption
User: Aurnab
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10116 - Relation of XY
User: Munim Hasan Wasi
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 240 - How many Pages?
User: Promy
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 240 - How many Pages?
User: Promy
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 417 - The national flag of Bangladesh (III) Again
User: Juckbox
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 417 - The national flag of Bangladesh (III) Again
User: Juckbox
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10110 - Square
User: Munim Hasan Wasi
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10049 - Binary Tree
User: Amimul Ehsan
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 410 - Odd or Even
User: hasna karim rim
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 249 - The national flag of Bangladesh (III)
User: Juckbox
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 410 - Odd or Even
User: hasna karim rim
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10029 - Ways
User: Amimul Ehsan
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 239 - Taka Paisa
User: Promy
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10025 - SMS
User: Amimul Ehsan
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 101 - Income
User: Mehadi Hasan Rifat
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 100 - Can You Type It?
User: Mehadi Hasan Rifat
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 117 - Principal Amount
User: Tanni Shill
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 366 - Find the Max
User: user not found.......
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 236 - Ladder
User: Promy
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 116 - Interest Rate
User: Tanni Shill
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10007 - Arithmetic Power Game
User: FaHaD (BGC_incredible)
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10000 - Solve the Equation
User: FaHaD (BGC_incredible)
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 115 - Annum Interest
User: Tanni Shill
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 353 - Summation
User: user not found.......
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 521 - LCM
User: FaHaD (BGC_incredible)
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 521 - LCM
User: FaHaD (BGC_incredible)
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10037 - Angles of Polygon
User: user not found.......
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10037 - Angles of Polygon
User: user not found.......
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10106 - Sundorban
User: Parthib Gupta
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 316 - Thirteens Powering
User: Pi Yal
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 521 - LCM
User: FaHaD (BGC_incredible)
[  C  ] [Time limit exceeded] [1.580s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 316 - Thirteens Powering
User: Pi Yal
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 354 - Simple Equation
User: Pi Yal
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10099 - S.S.C.
User: Ucchas Muhury
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10099 - S.S.C.
User: Ucchas Muhury
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: FaHaD (BGC_incredible)
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 373 - Speed (km/h)
User: Nakkib
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 373 - Speed (km/h)
User: Nakkib
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]
Problem: 10099 - S.S.C.
User: Ucchas Muhury
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 years ago]