430 - Present Age

Present Age

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

Before 5 years a father and his son age ratio was M: 1 and after 15 years the age ratio will be

N: 1 what is their present age??



Before 5 years their age ratio was 3:1

After 15 years their age ratio will be 2:1

In present, 

Father’s age is 65

Son’s age is 25



The Input

The input file contains several lines. Each line contains two integers M (1<M<=100) and N (1<N <= 10) and M! = N. The input is terminated by end of file.


The Output

For each line of input the output will show the age of father and his son in a separate line.


Sample Input

3 2

5 2


Sample Output

Father's Age is: 65

Son's Age is: 25

Father's Age is: 38

Son's Age is: 12





Problem Setter: Samia Safa Ahmed