Problem Solver Statistics
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Rank: 279

Qazi Nafis Zami

Ispahani Public School & College, Chittagong.



168 100 78
Solved problems (78)
101 - Income
102 - Divisor
103 - Mina and Rina
104 - Ages
105 - Book Price
106 - Hostel Meal
107 - Excavate Pond
108 - Dividend
109 - Average Age
110 - Average Run
111 - Father Age
112 - Barahatia Village
113 - Profit Percentage
114 - Loss Percentage
115 - Annum Interest
116 - Interest Rate
117 - Principal Amount
118 - Barahatia Village (II)
119 - Pass
200 - Can you type it (II)??
205 - Mr. Ant’s Confusing Sum
208 - Square Formula
209 - Professor’s Homework
210 - Professor’s Homework (II)
223 - Slide Calipers
227 - Help Boltu
229 - The national flag of Bangladesh (II)
237 - Salesman
239 - Taka Paisa
243 - Pass Exam
258 - Replace
308 - Consecutive Numbers
309 - Odd Numbers
311 - Find Big
315 - Circle
319 - Chocolates Again
321 - Three Circles
336 - Circle Inside Circle
404 - Parallel, Not Parallel
426 - Valid Triangle (II)
432 - Triangular Number
502 - Even Numbers
503 - Add The ODD
504 - Add The Even
506 - Armstrong Number
508 - Print the Numbers
510 - Consecutive Again
511 - Print “a”
514 - Maximum Age
515 - Minimum Age
558 - On the Line?
560 - Even Or Odd
561 - Strange Logic
571 - Comparison of Areas
10000 - Solve the Equation
10002 - Area of Arrow
10004 - Simple Math
10005 - The Sky Chef
10006 - Chocolates
10009 - CNG Costing
10012 - ATM
10014 - Student(s) of Last Bench
10015 - The Cyclist
10017 - Gift
10032 - Triangle
10051 - Mysterious Watch
10052 - Playing With Numbers
10063 - Donate
10069 - Puzzle Time!!!
10070 - Fizz : The Cutter boy
10073 - Convert The Code
10089 - Odd or Even
10090 - Fifteen
10091 - Ugly Number
10107 - Pythagorean Triples
10125 - Magic Square
10128 - Encryption
10129 - Password
Tried but not yet solved problems (22)
100 - Can You Type It?
310 - Even Numbers
324 - Marriage Cost
360 - Valid Triangle
423 - Equivalent Set
512 - Print Alphabets
530 - Sum
10001 - Military Time
10008 - Flag Area
10011 - Tom and Jerry
10013 - Confused!!!!!
10018 - Sakib is unique!!!
10024 - Is it Physics???
10025 - SMS
10035 - Make It One!
10037 - Angles of Polygon
10045 - Co-Prime
10046 - Achevée
10093 - Angle Triangle
10096 - Fifty Five
10114 - Set
10121 - Haltree Kaltree