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All Submissions
Problem: 125 - Hostel Meal (II)
User: Sabbir Ahmed (99)
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 months ago]
Problem: 117 - Principal Amount
User: Sabbir Ahmed (99)
[  C  ] [Accepted] [0.000s] [8 months ago]
Problem: 117 - Principal Amount
User: Sabbir Ahmed (99)
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [8 months ago]
Problem: 128 - Twice Number
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 128 - Twice Number
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 128 - Twice Number
User: Shajib Das
[  C  ] [Compilation error] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 128 - Twice Number
User: Shajib Das
[  C  ] [Compilation error] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 129 - Subtracted Number
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 129 - Subtracted Number
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 109 - Average Age
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 108 - Dividend
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 107 - Excavate Pond
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 106 - Hostel Meal
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 106 - Hostel Meal
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 105 - Book Price
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 104 - Ages
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 103 - Mina and Rina
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 102 - Divisor
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 101 - Income
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 100 - Can You Type It?
User: Shajib Das
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 355 - Battle
User: Md. Nazmus sakib
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 355 - Battle
User: Md. Nazmus sakib
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 355 - Battle
User: Md. Nazmus sakib
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 355 - Battle
User: Md. Nazmus sakib
[  C  ] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 355 - Battle
User: Md. Nazmus sakib
[C++] [Compilation error] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 355 - Battle
User: Md. Nazmus sakib
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Compilation error] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Compilation error] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 506 - Armstrong Number
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 505 - Add The Digits
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 504 - Add The Even
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 503 - Add The ODD
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 503 - Add The ODD
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 503 - Add The ODD
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 502 - Even Numbers
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 501 - Odd Numbers
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 500 - Print “Hello”
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 500 - Print “Hello”
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Presentation error] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 434 - Perfect Square
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 434 - Perfect Square
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Wrong answer] [0.000s] [9 months ago]
Problem: 433 - Tennis Tournament
User: Md. Rezaul Islam
[C++] [Accepted] [0.000s] [9 months ago]