Problem Solver Statistics
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Rank: 629

hasna karim rim

Aunkur Society Girl's High School



86 41 24
Solved problems (24)
100 - Can You Type It?
101 - Income
102 - Divisor
105 - Book Price
106 - Hostel Meal
109 - Average Age
110 - Average Run
112 - Barahatia Village
124 - Rice Crop
200 - Can you type it (II)??
201 - Motu and Patlu
202 - HELP!!!!!HELP!!!!!!
203 - Diffy
204 - Multi Diffy
205 - Mr. Ant’s Confusing Sum
206 - Subtraction Sum
208 - Square Formula
242 - Addition
10003 - Add numbers
10060 - Respect The Women
10088 - 2N + 1
10100 - AxB
10102 - 5N + 13
10108 - Independence Day
Tried but not yet solved problems (17)
103 - Mina and Rina
104 - Ages
107 - Excavate Pond
108 - Dividend
111 - Father Age
113 - Profit Percentage
125 - Hostel Meal (II)
126 - Chair and Table
218 - Multi Process
228 - Strange Multiplication
344 - Love or War
402 - Shopping
403 - Subtraction game
410 - Odd or Even
10006 - Chocolates
10047 - Bangladesh vs Oman
10127 - Square in Grid