Problem Solver Statistics
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Rank: 304

Minara Jahan

University of Libarel Arts



183 131 71
Solved problems (71)
400 - Birthday
401 - Diffy Again
402 - Shopping
403 - Subtraction game
404 - Parallel, Not Parallel
405 - Tournament
406 - Knight Attack
408 - Income Again
409 - Ages Again
410 - Odd or Even
411 - Relation
412 - The national flag of Bangladesh Again
413 - The national flag of Bangladesh (II) Again
414 - Algebraic Expression (I)
415 - Area of Square
416 - Side Length of Square
417 - The national flag of Bangladesh (III) Again
418 - Algebraic Expression (II)
419 - Middle Number(s)
420 - Middle Number(s) (II)
422 - Pass or Fail
426 - Valid Triangle (II)
427 - Angles
428 - Fail
429 - Algebraic Expression (III)
431 - Birds & Rabbits
432 - Triangular Number
433 - Tennis Tournament
434 - Perfect Square
528 - Chitty The Robot
529 - Dravid walks off, sad but proud
530 - Sum
531 - Prime Number
534 - Make Triangle 1
535 - Make Triangle 2
536 - Make Triangle 3
537 - Make Triangle 4
540 - Point Inside Circle
541 - Bitwise AND
542 - Bitwise OR
543 - XOR (exclusive or) ^
545 - Leap Year
548 - Maximum Difference
549 - Cubic Number
551 - Easy Series
553 - Multiplication Table I
554 - Multiplication Table II
556 - Bigger or Equal
557 - Biggest Number
558 - On the Line?
559 - Fibonacci Roots
560 - Even Or Odd
566 - String Array
567 - Find The Color
571 - Comparison of Areas
600 - Sum of Digits
601 - BGC Biddyanagar
10100 - AxB
10102 - 5N + 13
10107 - Pythagorean Triples
10108 - Independence Day
10109 - Khali Kolshi Man
10118 - Tae-Ho The Gamer
10119 - Point Symmetry
10137 - Footrace
10139 - Factorials divisor
10140 - Prefix Fix
10141 - Proper Divisors Sum
10143 - Railway Station
10156 - Omar Boi Ghor
10157 - EID Shopping
Tried but not yet solved problems (60)
317 - Roads
324 - Marriage Cost
355 - Battle
407 - 1 + 2 + 3 + . . . + n = k
421 - Max Pair Sum
423 - Equivalent Set
424 - Split Time
425 - Divisible by 3
430 - Present Age
532 - Divisible by 3 Again
533 - Fraction
538 - Capital to Small
539 - Small to Capital
544 - Rabbits
546 - Count Odd & Even
547 - Reverse
550 - Good Time Great Time
552 - Easy Recurtion
555 - Multiplication Table III
561 - Strange Logic
562 - Identifier validation
563 - Time Converter
564 - Friends and ACM
565 - Attack
568 - Again Palindrome?? (I)
569 - Again Palindrome?? (II)
570 - Intersecting Points in Polygon
572 - Roman Numerals
10101 - Reverse Factorial
10103 - Extended Confused!!!!!
10106 - Sundorban
10110 - Square
10112 - Guess !!!
10113 - Connect The Ropes
10114 - Set
10115 - Allergenic to Three
10116 - Relation of XY
10121 - Haltree Kaltree
10125 - Magic Square
10127 - Square in Grid
10129 - Password
10130 - Contiguous
10136 - Divisors Sum
10138 - Friends
10142 - Odd Even
10144 - Land of Islands
10145 - Sum of Digits
10146 - Prime Factor
10155 - HELP TITU!
10158 - Robot Commandos
10159 - Tropical Cyclone FANI
10160 - Propagate Sansevieria
10161 - Minimum Difference
10165 - Containers
10166 - Pig Latin
10167 - Easy Geo
10168 - Help Mr. Bean
10169 - Paint the Fence
10170 - A Night With A Detective
10171 - Concyclic Points