Problem Solver Statistics
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Rank: 478


Bgc trust university



74 50 44
Solved problems (44)
100 - Can You Type It?
101 - Income
102 - Divisor
103 - Mina and Rina
104 - Ages
105 - Book Price
106 - Hostel Meal
108 - Dividend
109 - Average Age
112 - Barahatia Village
113 - Profit Percentage
114 - Loss Percentage
117 - Principal Amount
122 - Save Money in Bank
124 - Rice Crop
127 - Victory Day
200 - Can you type it (II)??
201 - Motu and Patlu
202 - HELP!!!!!HELP!!!!!!
203 - Diffy
204 - Multi Diffy
205 - Mr. Ant’s Confusing Sum
206 - Subtraction Sum
207 - Car
208 - Square Formula
209 - Professor’s Homework
210 - Professor’s Homework (II)
211 - Consecutive Odd Numbers
212 - Consecutive Even Numbers
214 - Square Summation
227 - Help Boltu
310 - Even Numbers
311 - Find Big
315 - Circle
401 - Diffy Again
402 - Shopping
410 - Odd or Even
415 - Area of Square
10000 - Solve the Equation
10003 - Add numbers
10004 - Simple Math
10006 - Chocolates
10022 - Multiplication
10028 - Work
Tried but not yet solved problems (6)
119 - Pass
222 - Acceleration
225 - Find Distance
230 - Acceleration (II)
248 - Tina's Profit
309 - Odd Numbers