601 - BGC Biddyanagar

BGC Biddyanagar

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

BGC Biddyanagar is a great place of Education Institute in Chandanaish, Chittagong, Bangladesh. The place is 34 km from the port city Chittagong by the side of the Chittagong Cox's Bazar Highway Road. BGC Biddyanagar consists of a private kindergarten school, a private college,  a private university, a private medical college, a 1,000-bed hospital, a nurses' institute, a dental college, a college of physiotherapy and an IT institute.


The authority of BGC take a decision to arrange a rally at 26’th March, 2017 (The Independence Day of Bangladesh ). So they invited all current students and old students for join the rally. They arrange the all students with their age. Smaller age at front of a older age student. The authority have all student age in a database. Can you please help the authority to arrange all students age in ascending order.



Suppose have 7 student ages and the ages are 20, 10, 30, 5, 22, 4, 10

After arrange the ages in ascending order 4, 5, 10, 10, 20, 22, 30


The Input

The input start with a positive integer number T (0<T<101) which denoted the number of test cases. Each test case contain 2 lines. First line contain a positive integer N (0<N<10^7), the number of student and second line contains N students ages separated by space. All age are between 1 to 99 inclusive.


The Output

For each test case you need to print a line. The line contains the student's ages in ascending order and two ages separated by space.


Sample Input



20 10 30 5 22 4 10


23 11 44


Sample Output

4 5 10 10 20 22 30

11 23 44

Problem Setter: Shahin ShamS