554 - Multiplication Table II

Multiplication Table II

Time Limit: 0.5 sec


The Problem

Sam is now trying to make efficient her code. Now she wants to give two numbers as input where one number specifies which number of table it is and other up to which number she wants to generate multiplication table.



She give 5 3 as input

Output will be

5 * 1 = 5

5 * 2 = 10

5 * 3 = 15


But Sam is busy with her class tests. Can you help Sam to make efficient her program?


The Input

The input file contains several cases. Each case contains two integer value x(x<= 1000000) and n (0<=n<=1000000). Input is terminated by EOF.


The Output

For each case the output will print the case number and the desire table in a separate line

*For zero input of n output will give the result zero (smae format).


Sample Input

1 5

65 5

10 0


Sample Output

Case 1:

1 X 1 = 1

1 X 2 = 2

1 X 3 = 3

1 X 4 = 4

1 X 5 = 5

Case 2:

65 X 1 = 65

65 X 2 = 130

65 X 3 = 195

65 X 4 = 260

65 X 5 = 325

Case 3:

10 X 0 = 0





Problem Setter: Samia Safa Ahmed