369 - Mr. Ants Multiplication
Mr. Ants Multiplication
Time Limit: 1 sec
The Problem
Hopefully you guys remember Mr. Ant. Now a days he is busy with multiplication. He creates a weird way of multiplication of two numbers. In his way
3 * 4 = 5
4 * 5 = 11 …
Can you find out his method??
The Input
The input file contains several lines. Each line contains two integers M (2<=M<=1000) and N (2<=N<=1000). Input is terminated by EOF.
The Output
For each line of input output will print the result in a separate line.
Sample Input
3 4
4 5
Sample Output
3 * 4 = 5
4 * 5 = 11
Problem Setter: Samia Safa Ahmed