361 - Be ! be

Be ! be

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

Nezam has severe toothache. He is taking M mg tablet Clinex, N mg tablet Tory and K mg tablet Seclo.  He has to take it 3 times a day for 5 days. But the pain will be reduced if he take 75% of the medicine.

But look what!!! The programming contest is coming on. There is only D1 days left. He will be a volunteer there. Your task is to find whether Nezam can attend the contest or not.





The Input

The Input file contains several lines. Each line contains 4 integers M, N, K (-10000 <= M, N, K <= 10000) which are the quantity of tablets and D1 (1 <= D1 <= 31) the left days of the contest . Input is terminated by EOF.


The Output

For each line of input the output will print “Nezam can attend” if he can attend the contest otherwise it will print “Nezam cannot attend” in a separate line.

Remember if the quantity of medicine zero the output will print "Invalid".


Sample Input

120 250 20 3

100 100 10 4

-10 5 5 5


Sample Output

Nezam cannot attend

Nezam can attend





Problem Setter: Samia Safa Ahmed