357 - Red or Green

Red or Green

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

A square room is painted with red and green color. Red portion is the a/m part of the room and green portion is b/n part of the room.

Your task is to find larger portion of the room.



Red portion is 4/5

Green portion is 3/5

So. Red portion is the larger portion of the room.


The Input

The input contains several lines. Each line contains two fraction numbers made as x/y of red portion and green portion. Input range 1 to 10. Input is terminated by end of file (EOF).


The Output

For every input line output will print “Green” if green portion is larger. “Red” if red portion is larger. “Equal” if both are equal in a separate line.


Sample Input

4/5 3/5

4/3 10/7

3/5 3/5


Sample Output








Problem Setter: Samia Safa Ahmed