356 - Add or Multiply

Add or Multiply

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

Two integers X and Y are given. If they are same then multiply X and Y and if they are not add them.


Remember if the digits are in between 10 to 19, extra 10 will be add if X and Y are added or 10 will be multiply if X and Y are multiplied. If the digits are in between 20 to 49, 25 will add or multiply and if it in between 50 to 100, 55 will add or multiply.X and Y always will be in a same range.



X = 11

Y = 12

Result = 11 + 12 + 10 = 33

X = 11

Y = 11

Result = 11 * 11 * 10 = 1210


The Input

The Input file contains several lines. Each line contains 2 integer X and Y are ranged to 0 to 100 Input is terminated by end of file (EOF)


The Output

For each line of input print the result in a separate line.


Sample Input

1 0

1 1

11 12


Sample Output








Problem Setter: Samia Safa Ahmed