Help Mr. Bean
Time Limit: 1 sec
The Problem
Mr. Bean always loves to pick the large one. But picking the large one became difficult for him from a lot of balls, Where all the balls are almost similar in color and size. So, write a program to help him to pick the desired one.
The Input
At the first line of each test case will contain an integer N (0<= N < 1000), Where N is the number of balls. And in the next line will contain N space separated integers, where each integer value denotes the size S (-2^32 < S < 2^32) of each Ball. Input is terminated by EOF.
The Output
For each test case print the position of the large ball in a line. If you're confused just print “CONFUSED” without quote in a single line.
Sample Input
5 1 3 9 4
Sample Output
Note: Suffix rules - 1) Position ends with 1, the suffix at the end is st. 2) Position ends with 2, the suffix at the end is nd. 3) Position ends with 3, the suffix at the end is -rd. 4) Position that ends with 0, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9 uses the suffix th(Including 10th, 100th, etc). 5) An exception to the rules above is when a Position ends with 11, 12, or 13, which all use the suffix th.
Intra University Programming Contest - Winter 2019 [BGC Trust University Bangladesh]
Problem Setter: Md. Helal Uddin