10152 - Grid Travel

Grid Travel

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

Mr. Diego draws a grid in his book and put a number to every cell. It looks like the picture given below. Then he tries to find out the putted cell value from its row and column number. But he failed to find out the value.



For example: He tried to find out 12 from (1, 3).

So, he needs your help. 


The Input

Input will contain two space separated integers (0≤R≤10^5) and (0≤C≤10^5) per line which denotes the row and column number of a cell. Input ends at EOF.


The Output

For each line of input print only one integer per line which is the value of the given grid cell. See the sample input and output section for more clarification.


Sample Input

0 4

3 0

2 1

1 3


Sample Output








Inter University Programming Contest(II) - 2018 [BGC Trust University Bangladesh]

Problem Setter: Milton Dev