Count the Numbers
Time Limit: 2 sec
The Problem
You all are knows about GCD (Greatest Common Divisor). This is simple problem for all math lovers. In this problem I will give you a number N. You have to count those numbers which will fulfills the following rule.
Rule: GCD(P,N) = P, means GCD of two numbers P and N is must be equals to P(1<=P< N).
The Input
The input Starts with an integer T (1<=T<=100) the number of test cases. The next T lines will contains a single positive integer N (2<=N<=10^14).
The Output
For each case print the counted total numbers of P which fulfill the rule described above. You have to give the output in sample format shown in sample output.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Case 1# 1
Case 2# 3
Case 3# 8
Case 4# 15
[Outsbook Round #2 Online Contest]
Problem Setter: Milton Deb