10118 - Tae-Ho The Gamer

Tae-Ho The Gamer

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

Tae-Ho likes playing games in PC. He spends lots of hours playing games. The game Tae-Ho plays has 3 difficulty levels named easy, medium and hard. He takes 1 hour to win one easy level. 2 hours to win a medium level and 3 hours to win a Hard level.


You are Tae-Ho’s friend and a Programmer. Given number of steps in each level, Tae-Ho wants to find how many hours he takes to complete a game. So he asked you to write a program for him to find it.


The Input

There will be multiple line of input. Each line contains 3 Integers E (1<=E<=100000), M (1<=M<=100000) , and H (1<=H<=100000) denoting the number of steps in Easy, Medium and hard level. Input is terminated by EOF.


The Output

For each line of input you have to print “Case X: Tae-Ho takes H hours to complete the game”. Here X is the case number start from 1 and  H is the number of total hours Tae-Ho needs to complete the game.


Sample Input

10 5 6

9 2 15

4 4 3


Sample Output

Case 1: Tae-Ho takes 38 hours to complete the game

Case 2: Tae-Ho takes 58 hours to complete the game

Case 3: Tae-Ho takes 21 hours to complete the game




[University Level]

Inter School & College Programming Contest (ISCPC) 2017

Problem Setter: Arshiana Shamir Mahin