10115 - Allergenic to Three

Allergenic to Three

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

Audry loves to play with numbers. 7 is her favorite digit. But she is allergenic to 3. She doesn’t like the number that contains the digit 3.


Audry is weak in programming as she is only 6 years old . Now you write a program which will find the numbers from 1 to N that do not contain the digit 3.


The Input

There are several lines of input. Each line contains a digit N (0<N<=10000). Input is terminated by EOF.


The Output

For each line of input you have to print the total of numbers from 1 to N that does not contain the digit 3 in a separate line.


Sample Input




Sample Output






[School & College Level]

Inter School & College Programming Contest (ISCPC) 2017

Problem Setter: Parag Paul