10092 - Viva Barca

Viva Barca

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

The very famous football club Barcelona decided to popularize football in Bangladesh by organizing a football fest. The fest had many events for different sections of people.


For the awesome coders of Bangladesh, there was an event called PASS and BACK. In this event, the coders were given N passes and players having ids between 11 and 10000001000000.


Initially some player with a given id had the ball in his possession. The coders had to make a program to display the id of the player who possessed the ball after exactly N passes.


Description of the passes:

There were two kinds of passes:

1. P ID

2. B


Explanation :

for the first kind of pass, the player in possession of the ball passes the ball to player

with id=ID while for the second kind of a pass, the player in possession of the ball passes the ball back to the player who had passed the ball to him.


[Note: It is guaranteed that the given order of all the passes will be a valid order .]

The Input

The first line of the input contains the number of test cases(1≤T≤100). For each test case, two space separated integers

N(1≤N≤100000) and ID(1≤ID≤1000000) ( of the player possessing the ball in the very beginning). N lines follow describing the passes. ( for description of the passes, refer the statement above. )


The Output

Output to each test case should be a single line containing the "Player" ID (quotes for clarity) of the player who possesses the ball after N passes.


Sample Input 


10 23

P 86

P 63

P 60


P 47


P 99

P 9




Sample Output 

Player 9


Initially, Player having id=23 posses ball. After pass 11, Player having id=86 posses ball. After pass 22, Player having id=63 posses ball. After pass 33, Player having id=60 posses ball. After pass 44, Player having id=63 posses ball. After pass 55, Player having id=47 posses ball. After pass 66, Player having id=63 posses ball. After pass 77, Player having id=99 posses ball. After pass 88, Player having id=9 posses ball. After pass 99, Player having id=99 posses ball. After pass 10, Player having id=9 posses ball




[School Level]

ISCPC 2017 Preliminary

Problem Setter: Parag Paul