10087 - Search Unlucky Number

Search Unlucky Number

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

Given 5 integer numbers A, B, C, D, and E. You need to find the unlucky number 13 is found within the given 5 numbers.


If unlucky 13 found print “Oops, unlucky 13 found” otherwise print “Wow! Not found”.


The Input

The first line contains an integer number T, which indicates the number of test cases (0 < T 1000). Each test case is given in one line. This line contains five positive integer numbers A, B, C, D, and E (0 A, B, C, D, E 20).


The Output

For each test case, print a single line “Case X: Oops, unlucky 13 found” if the unlucky number 13 found within the given five numbers otherwise print “Case X: Wow! Not found”, here X is the case number start from 1 to T.


Sample Input


1 5 7 8 13

1 3 5 9 11


Sample Output

Case 1: Oops, unlucky 13 found

Case 2: Wow! Not found




[College Level]

ISCPC 2017 Preliminary Mock

Problem Setter: Shahin ShamS