10072 - Learning Vowel

Learning Vowel

Time Limit: 0.5 sec


The Problem

Samiha is 11 years old cute girl. Today in grammar class, she learned about vowels(a,e,i,o,u). After returning from school, she told her mother about it.In the evening, Samiha's mother wanted to test Samiha if she had learnt properly in school.

Mother gave Samiha a set of sentences and asked her to write down the vowels in the given sentences serially. Note that, the sentence can either be meaningful or not.


So your task is to write a program to help Samiha.


The Input

Input starts with an integer T(T<=30) which denotes the number of test cases. In each case, a sentence is given(written in lowercase alphabet). The sentence is not up to 30 alphabets.


The Output

In output, simply print the vowels used in the sentence consecutively. There will be a space between two vowels. If any vowel is used more than one time in the sentence, you will write down the vowel once. If there is no vowel found in the sentence, print  “No Vowel” (without quotes).


Sample Input


i love you

my name is lotus

ew fsds ewr

i love programming


Sample Output

i o e u

a e i o u


i o e a





Aracari contest [School & College Level]

Problem Setter: Riyad Bin Rafiq