10071 - Trevor Philips Industries

Trevor Philips Industries

Time Limit: 0.5 sec


The Problem

Trevor Philips from “Sandy Shores” owns a company named “Trevor Philips Industries” which builds robots. There are 4 factories under this company. Each factory can produce at most m robots at a time. Its prime client “MerryWeather” (A private military army) is going through a crisis. So they want T.P.I to supply certain number of robots as quickly as possible.


Now given three integers -

m- The number of maximum robots can be produced in each factory at a time.

t- Time needed to build each robot.

n- Number of robots to be built.

Calculate the minimum time needed to build n robots.


The Input

Input starts with an integer T (<=100), number of test cases. Next T line consists of three integer m, t and n. [1<= n <=10^10; 1<= m <=10^5; 1<= t <=10^5;]


The Output

For every test case print a line containing the minimum time needed to build n robots.


Sample Input


4 4 8

1 1 1


Sample Output







Aracari contest [School & College Level]

Problem Setter: Azizul Hakim