Super Palindrome
Time Limit: 0.5 sec
The Problem
This is a simple problem for all programmers. In number systems we know that some numbers are looks like same when we read the number from its left to right and right to left. This types of numbers are called palindromic number. So in any base we can check a number is palindrome or not.
If we convert a decimal palindromic number to it's binary number and this binary number is also a palindromic number then we can called this number is a super palindromic number, otherwise it’s only a palindromic number.
For example 101 is the binary number of 5. Here 101 is a palindromic number and 5 is also a palindromic number. So, we can says that 5 is a “Super Palindromic Number”.
Now 1000 is the binary number of 8. Here 8 is a palindromic number but 1000 is not a palindromic number. So, 8 is only a “Palindromic Number”.
If a decimal number is not palindrom then we can says that it’s “Not Palindromic Number”.
Now your task is to write a simple code to determine the state of a given number.
The Input
There are several lines of input.Each line contain a single positive integer N (0<N<=10^10).You have to find out the state of this number. Input is terminated by EOF.
The Output
The output will be contain two line for each input. First line of the output will contain “Case C#”, where C denotes the case number starting from 1. And the second line will contain the state of the number described above.
Sample Input
Sample Output
Case 1#
Super Palindromic Number.
Case 2#
Palindromic Number.
Case 3#
Not Palindromic Number.
Online Practice Contest 4 [School & College Level]
Problem Setter: Milton Deb