10063 - Donate


Time Limit: 0.5 sec


The Problem

Khan and Johor are two friends. They work together. They do one or more project in a month. They kept all their money of work in a pot and divide the money after a month. While they divide they always keep in mind that they should get equal share.


But divide an odd number in equal parts not possible. For that reason they take a third way. They donate the extra money but in a good way. Your task is to find the amount of donated money. Donated money not more than 9 taka.



They complete 5 projects & get amount 500 550 555 600 601

Here 500, 550, 600 is even amounts but 555 & 601 are odd amounts

They add the odd amount. Summation is 1156

They make it in a round figure as 1150

They donate 6 taka


The Input

The Input file contains several test cases. Each test case contains two lines. First line contains an integer number N (N<=100) which denotes the number of project. Second line contains N number amounts which they get from projects. Amount is in between 10 taka and 1000000 taka. Input is terminated by EOF.


The Output

For each line of input print the case number along with the amount of donated money in a separate line. Donated money will be strictly an integer number.


Sample Input


100 200 305


500 550 555 600 601


Sample Output

Case 1: 5 taka

Case 2: 6 taka





Online Practice Contest 4 [School & College Level]

Problem Setter: Samia Safa Ahmed