Time Limit: 1.5 sec
The Problem
You have given N boxes. Each box have a value, the value of box can be positive or negative. You need to choose some consecutive boxes that the total chosen box value is maximum.
Suppose you have 6 boxes with value -8, 4, -2, 5, -7, and 2.
You can choose Box No. 2, Box No. 3, and Box No. 4, when you choose the boxes then the total value of chosen boxes are 4-2+5=7.
But you cannot choose Box No. 2, Box No. 4, and Box No. 6 because the box number are not consecutive. You must need to choose consecutive boxes. You also can choose 1 box, choose box number 4, now the total value of box is 5.
You can did it many different ways, like that
1. Choose Box No. 1, Box No. 2 (-8+4=-4)
2. Choose Box No. 1, Box No. 2, Box No. 3 (-8+4-2=-6)
3. Choose Box No. 1, Box No. 2, Box No. 3, Box No. 4 (-8+4-2+5=-1)
4. Choose Box No. 4, Box No. 5, Box No. 6 (5-7+2=0)
5. Choose Box No. 2 (4=4)
6. And so on
In this example the maximum value chosen boxes are 7 (Box No. 2, Box No. 3, and Box No. 4).
Write a simple program that can be calculated the maximum value of chosen box or boxes.
The Input
The input set consists of a positive number N ≤ 10000, that gives the length of the box sequence, followed by N integers, each integer greater than -1000 and less than 1000, denoted the value of each box. The input is terminated with N = 0.
The Output
For each given input set, the output will print a line “Set X: Y”, here X is the set number and Y is the maximum value of chosen box or boxes.
Sample Input
-8 4 -2 5 -7 2
1 2 3
4 -5 3 2
Sample Output
Set 1: 7
Set 2: 6
Set 3: 5
Online Practice Contest 3 [School & College Level]
Problem Setter: Shahin ShamS