Full Moon
Time Limit: 1 sec
The Problem
Full Moon is one of the most beautiful thing of earth. People of all ages love to see it. Arrival of full moon follow a sequence of four steps
- At first arrive New Moon, it is the starting point
- Then Waxing Moon which covers a moon more than 0% but less than 50%
- In third step appear Waning Moon it covers 50% of the moon
- Then appear Gibbous Moon which covers a moon more than 50% but less than 100%
- & at last most waited Full Moon
The whole process takes 15 days.
The Input
The Input file contains several lines. Each line contains two integers. First one is X, the date of New moon X (1<=X<=30) and second one is a random date Y (1<=Y<=30).
The Output
For each line of input, output will print the name of moon in a separate line. The name of moon can be "New Moon", "Waxing Moon", "Waning Moon", "Gibbous Moon", and "Full Moon".
Sample Input
6 6
6 20
Sample Output
New Moon
Full Moon
[University Level]
1st Online Programming Contest 2016 by Outsbook
Problem Setter: Samia Safa Ahmed