10023 - Interesting Game

Interesting Game

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

Diya and hiya are playing a simple game for passing their time. The rules of the game are easy. At first they chooses odd or even. As Hiya is the youngest she chooses at first a certain type ODD or Even. Then they shows up fingers of their both hands both diya and hiya.If the total number of fingers they showed is matched with Hiya’s chosen type than Hiya wins.If not than Diya will win.

Now you have to write a program which will take all the necessary inputs and will detects who is the winner.


The Input

There are several test cases. Each case starts with an integer T (0, 1). 0 means hiya choose the Odd. And 1 means hiya choose the Even. Next line has two Integers (1<=D=10) and (1<=H<=10) denoting the number of fingers Diya and Hiya showed.


The Output

For each case of input print a line who wins the game. If Diya than print “Diya Wins” else “Hiya Wins”.


Sample Input


9 7


9 7


Sample Output

Case 1: Diya Wins.

Case 2: Hiya Wins.



Derivation of 1st sample input

Hiya choose 0 that means she choose Odd. Now adding Diya and Hiya’s finger it produces an Even Number. That means Diya Wins.




Online Mock Contest 2016

Problem Setter: Parag Paul