Time Limit: 1 sec
The Problem
Riya and Diya are cousins. They are very fond of chocolates. Now their uncle has bought some chocolates for them. These are special in taste and amazingly delicious. But the problem is that both of them want an equal distribution of chocolates. Both will be happy, if they get an equal share, otherwise both would be unhappy. You have to find out whether they would be happy or unhappy with chocolate distribution.
The Input
There will be several lines of Input. Each line contains a number X (0<X<1000); which denotes the total number of chocolates bought by their uncle. Input is terminated by EOF.
The Output
For each line of input, you have to print whether they are Happy or Unhappy in a separate line depending on the input.
Sample Input
Sample output
[School Level]
Inter School & College Programming Contest (ISCPC) 2015
Problem Setter: Parag Paul