517 - Challenge


Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

There is a site named “OUTSBOOK” where  student can solve programming problems. Tamzid and Refat are two solvers there. Tamzid always makes a target how many he will solve in that month. Tamzid was discussing with Refat that he will solve M problems in this month. Refat challenged him that Tamzid can’t solve so many problems in a month.

Before accept the challenge Tamzid wants to cross check his target. Can you help him with that??



The Input

The input file consist a data set. The first line is an integer N (N<=20). Then follows N lines each line contains 3 integers days remain in that month, D (D<= 30) target of Tamzid, T (T<=100) and maximum solve that can be done in a day M (M <=5).

 * Dont forget no target no challange.


The Output

For each line of input output will print “Yes” if Tamzid can accept the challenge or “No” if can’t accept it in a separate line.


Sample Input


30 100 5

10 100 5

1 20 2


Sample Output

Case 1: Yes

Case 2: No

Case 3: No





Problem Setter: Samia Safa Ahmed

Special Thanks To : Students of OUTSBOOK