370 - Garage Clean

Garage Clean

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

Mr. Assad call two workers to clean his garage. One of them work there for M hours and second one for N hours. Mr. Assad paid P taka as total payment. Your task is to find how much money will both of them get separately?



First one work for 8 hours

Second one work for 5 hours

Mr. Assad paid 130 taka.

First one get (130 / (8 + 5))*8 = 80 taka & second one 50 taka (Oops!! WRONG)

First one get 110 taka & second one 20 taka.



The Input

The input file contains several lines. Each line contains 3 integers M, N and P. The range is in between 0 to 1000. If M and N are zero the input file will terminate.


The Output

For each input output will print the amounts that worker get in a separate line.


Sample Input

8 5 130

5 4 90

0 0 130


Sample Output 

Case 1: 110taka 20taka

Case 2: 60taka 30taka 




Problem Setter: Samia Safa Ahmed