10116 - Relation of XY

Relation of XY

Time Limit: 1 sec


The Problem

Given four integer numbers A, B, C, and D. You need to find the relation between X and Y based on the equations given below


X = A ÷ B

Y = C ÷ D


There are three relations between X and Y

1. X can be greater than Y

2. X can be smaller than Y

3. X and Y can be equal

The Input

There is a number of tests T (0< T ≤ 100) on the first line. After T test followed. Each test case take 4 integer numbers A, B, C and D (0 ≤ A, B, C, D ≤ 100).


The Output

For each test output a single line, the output must be one among given 3 lines below:

Case N: X = Y” if X and Y are equal

Case N: X > Y” if X is greater than Y

Case N: X < Y” if X is smaller than Y

Here N is the test case number (starting from 1 to T). (see sample output for clarification).


Sample Input


2 1 4 2

8 2 6 2

6 2 8 2


Sample Output

Case 1: X = Y

Case 2: X > Y

Case 3: X < Y




[School & College Level]

Inter School & College Programming Contest (ISCPC) 2017

Problem Setter: Shahin ShamS